
Towards the last two months of my last visit to India in the spring of 2012, I encountered the Tibetan community in exile in India experiencing painful news of their people self-immolating in fire one after another in China-occupied Tibet. My experiences in the past visits in India (drawing a cremation site in Varanasi, documenting fire pits, cremation alters, and contemplating on life and death around fire) synchronized with this particular movement, an extreme way of ‘offering’ their bodies to ‘fire’ for asking freedom and peace.I could not help drawing large and small drawings as emotional response and with a sense of mourning.

After coming back to Vancouver, the self-immolation kept happening and I felt that my personal and professional task is not finished.

I have come back to India to continue to document and draw under the same theme.

27 June 2024

For Children

For Children                                                                   copyright: tomoyo ihaya 2024

"If I must die"

Refaat Alareer

If I must die,

You must live

to tell my story

to sell my things

to buy a piece of cloth

and some strings,

(make it white with a long tail)

so that a child, somewhere in Gaza

while looking heaven in the eye

awaiting his dad who left in a blaze-

and bid no one farewell

not even to his flesh

not even to himself-

sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above

and thinks for a moment an angel is there 

bringing back love

If I must die

let it bring hope 

let it be a tale



Report: 巡る道 久居アルスプラザ Paths That Go Around @Hirsai Ars Arts Plaza

The exhibition 'Paths That Go Around' By Kenji Najima and Tomoyo Ihaya took place at Hisai ARS Plaza from April 6th to April 14th, 2024.  

Please read attached statements below.

During 8 day exhibition, so many visitors came from hometown, other prefectures, and abroad such as Canada, Taiwan and Nepal. It was a special event for both of us. 

ARS Plaza kindly provided us a set of installation shots taken by Mr. Yutaka Matsubara recently, so I would like to share some here.  







The exhibition ‘Paths That Go Around’ by Kenji Najima and Tomoyo Ihaya takes place at Hisai ARS Plaza from April 6th to April 14th, 2024. 


The exhibition will feature collaborative and individual artist works done over the the past two years as well as new works on paper made by both artists in Inomachi, Kochi Prefecture last November. The paper, some experimental and other authentic, were produced under the generous and gifted guidance of the papermaking master, Mr. Ryoji Tamura.


Both artists have lived and produced art works in many different locations for nearly three decades.Their paths as artists were never straight, often off road, but gradually they returned to the core question, “how should we and why do we live to make art”, hence, the exhibition’s subtitled Paths That Go Around’. They hope visitors will have an unique interaction with each art work for the work represents a rich accumulation of their past experiences, life passages and contemplation.



We may not be aware, but

We always are standing on a path

This path is nature full of wonders

Also we are the path itself, being born after many miracles

In the midst of that is the daily life

My expression is contemplation with beauty of life


-Kenji Najima



I’ve been on many of journeys, and have been making artwork for 30 years.

In India, where I travelled the most, I made friends with many Tibetan and Ladakhi people. 

Tibetan and Ladakhi people walk around temples and Buddhist pagodas, almost every day, chanting mantras so the world will overflow with peace and compassion. As I walked with them, thoughts of the cycle of life and death and its continuum accompanied the act.


The works on display are made while thinking of friends, of the places I inhabited, as

well as the countless people I have not met, both near and far. I drew their faces and their lands because their way of life greatly influenced my way of life and the making of art. 

They have lived unbearably hard lives however they transform their hardships into empathy, compassion, and a strong spirit; they stand with their feet well grounded to the earth.



-Tomoyo Ihaya



展示ではそれぞれの作品の他、2年ほど取り組んできた共同制作の作品を展示します。また昨年11月、 長年お世話になっている紙漉き職人の田村亮二さんのご指導のもと、高知県のいの町でそれぞれが漉いた紙を使った新作も発表いたします。























(左)集積   (右)水路  (L) Accumlation    (R) Channels            copyright: Kenji Najima/Tomoyo Ihaya


Collaborative works by Kenji Najima and Tomoyo Ihaya










 From Left:  Sacred Mountain

                    Ahmad Collects Tears

                    Ama Rinchen Dolma

                    The Sky, the Sea, the Hills, and the Poetry     

By Tomoyo Ihaya   

copyright: Tomoyo Ihaya


       Visual Note - Habitats           
       By Tomoyo Ihaya

       copyright: Tomoyo Ihaya                      

25 May 2024

Gwangju in May 오월의 광주 5月の光州

            Stars in our Hearts                       copyright Tomoyo Ihaya 2024  

Gwangju - May 1980

My 'tree' sister, Ms. Park Yanghee, witnessed Gwangju Democratic uprising in 1980
and protests for democracy lead by students after against the dictatorship government,
She lost some friends in protests.  

Every May since 2020, I message her and friends in Korea with a new drawing for Gwangju. 
I drew thinking lost lives living among stars sending love to their loved ones on the earth.
She replied:

'I can not say good bye to the May Gwangju.
Friends  have gone but ( they stay )with me in my heart now forever'

So in her heart, many starts are shining. 

And she keeps singing for them and for peace, freedom and love. 

Namu( Tree) unni (big sister) singing with Sang-rog oppa(big brother)'s piano.
"Songs in May' in Gwangju

'오월의 광주와 작별할 수 없다.

그들은 갔다.
하지만 지금은 나와 함께 영원히 있다‘

이 그림을 보고 박양희씨는 “1980년 5월 광주에서 돌아가신 동지들께 안녕이라고 말하지 않겠다. 그들은 내 가슴에 영원히 살아 있을 테니까라고” 말해주었습니다. 그녀는 1980년 한국 광주에서 독재정권의 군대가 민주화를 요구하는 학생들과 시민을 무참히 진압한 ’광주사건‘과 그 이후 학생운동의 폭풍 속에서 살아남은 사람입니다. 그때부터 계속 노래를 부르고 있어요.

이 그림은 희생된 사람들이 별이 되어 항상 지상에 사는 동지를 지켜보고 있다는 의미로 그렸는데, 그녀는 이 그림이 이별의 의미가 아니라 함께 살고 있다는 것이기도 하다고 메시지를 보냈습니다. 그녀의 마음에도, 동지를 잃고 아직도 슬픔을 안고 사는 사람들의 마음에도 많은 별이 빛나고 있는 것입니다.

저는 그때 광주에는 없었지만 2018년 인연으로 광주 땅을 따라 희생자 묘지에 가서 이야기를 듣고 5월이 되면 슬픔에 휩싸여 술을 마시고 노래를 부르는 사람들과 시간을 함께 했습니다. 그 후 매년 5월이면 신록의 광주를 그리워하며 한 폭의 그림을 그리게 되었습니다.




Gwangju Diary   Tomoyo Ihaya 2019     ( Copyright Tomoyo Ihaya 2024)

28 February 2024

Each Flame Each Life


                                                                        copyright - Tomoyo Ihaya 2024

March 10th, Tibetan Uprising Day is around corner again. It commemorates the 1959 Tibetan uprising which began on March 10th in Lhasa against the presence of the People's Republic of China in Tibet. 

Every year, all over the world, Tibetan people and their supporters gather and march on the street, raising slogans for freedom and return of their homeland. 

Last year, the piece of poem written in Tibetan came out from Tibet to people in exile around March 10th. It was read in front of the crowd both in Tibetan and Ensligh at the protest rally which I attended.

Later, I asked my poet/activist friend, Tenzin Tsundue, to re-translate it into English. 

Yesterday, February 27th, was the 15th anniversary of the first Tibetan self -immolation in Tibet*.

To remember each of over 160 people who self-immolated and in hope that their tragic sacrifices will not be in vain, I share the poem by the  unknown person in Tibet.  I also share this while praying all the lives which are lost every day on this earth due to unnecessary, ignorant and greedy war affairs. Nobody should have to go through the extreme suffering. 

Prayers for the true freedom and peace in Tibet and on this whole earth.  


Each Flame Each Life

Each Flame, each life

The living spirit of my countryman

Burnt in red flame,

Burnt for freedom,

The eternal flame in our ignorance.

When I see the flickering flames,

The heart burns,

Burns my soul.

When I see the flickering red flames,

My teardrops melts,

This cry breaks out.

Each flame each life

The living spirit of 

My country man burnt in red flames,

Burnt for freedom.

I have your treatment in my heart

When I see the flickering red flames,

My tear drops melt

This cry breaks out.

Each flame each life

The living spirit of my countryman

Burnt in red flames,

Burnt for freedom

- Unknown, March 2023, Translated by Tenzin Tsundue in April 2023

*Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the first Tibetan self-immolation in Tibet - Tapey, a money from Kirti monastery, set fire on himself on February 27, 2009.

Since 2009, more than 150 Tibetans have self immolated to protest against repression from the Chinese communist government (Text by Tsering Kyi la)

11 October 2023

Solo exhibition at Mie Garo, Japan


少し早めのお知らせです。十一月一日から五日まで三重県津市の三重画廊で個展をさせていただくことになりました。ほとんどの作品は春から夏いっぱい、迷ったり行き詰まったり光を見たり、一喜一憂しながら制作したものです。穴倉スタジオの床に這いつくばって制作した過程を思い起こすと、DMの山本賢司さんのお言葉は身に余るもので、恐縮しております()。パンデミック以来遠くなってしまったインドやラダックの風景や、宮澤賢治の世界観、尹東柱の詩が, 心から染み出して紙面に出てきてくれたように感じます。画力がついていっているかは?ですが。御忙しい毎日と察しますが、お近くにいらした際に、ご高覧いただけたら幸いです。English: This is a little early notice. I have a solo exhibit at Mie Gallery from  November 1st to the 5th in Tsu city, Mie ken, Japan.10 to 6 ( last day 10 to 5)18-19 Chuo, Tsu city, Mie ken, JapanMost of the work were produced during spring to summer in my YVR cave.It was quite a journey: joy and sorrow, stuck, and seeing threads of light.Landscapes of India and Ladakh, Kenji Miyazawa's view of the world, poems by Yun Dong-ju seemed to submerge naturally onto the surface of paper all together.Many of you live quite far, friends, but if you happen to be coming to this direction, please stop by.

Lights on the Earth


                                                                                                        copyright Tomoyo Ihaya 2023

Deeply saddened to hear yet another violence started. 

Babies, children, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandmothers.

Animals, birds and insects.

Flowers, plants and trees, those trees of wisdom

So many lives exploded in a second by a weapon created by human and operated by somebody's hand.

Who created those weapons? Who are making money on war?  Who are crying?

Civilians, who must have wished peaceful resolutions, freedom, and just a normal happy life at 'home' under the sky and the stars, lose their lives in flash.  

Please give safe passages and refuges for them, without taking their lives. 

                                                                                                copyright  tomoyo ihaya 2023

25 September 2023

Art news - In the Present Moment: Buddhism, Contemporary Art, and Social Practice, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, Alberta, Canada

A group exhibition ' In the Present Moment: Buddhism, Contemporary Art, and Social Practice' opened at Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Art Centre on September 14th.  Congratulations and gratitude to curators, Haema Sivanesan and Jacqueline Bell, and the preparatory team for their hard work. Congratulations to wonderful fellow artists🙏🏼(see ⬇️ )I am humbled that 17 drawings from ‘Drawings from Dharamsala’ are included in this exhibition.

Photos below are installation shots before adding captions (sent by Haema Sivanesan, the curator)

Each drawing was drawn dedicating to a fellow human who sacrificed his/her life for others' dignity and freedom.  I am glad their existences will be recognised in the different part of the world.Opening Sept. 14, 5-8pm @waterphillipsgallery in Banff

カナダのアルバータ州、バンフにあるバンフ・アート・センターのウォルター・フィリップス・ギャラリーで、『In the Present Moment: Buddhism, Contemporary Art, and Social Practice」が9月14日から始まりました。ヘマ・シヴァネサン キュレーションによる9人の作家のグループ展です。8人の作家さんの素晴らしいインスタレーションやビデオ、タブローと一緒に、「ダラムサラからの絵」の17点が展示されています。私は残念ながら行けませんが、もしバンフにいらっしゃる方がいたら、どうぞお立ち寄りください。それぞれの絵は利他の精神で自分の命を犠牲にして逝ってしまった人のことを思って描いたものです。:::---:::---:::---:::---:::---:::---:::---:::𝗜𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗠𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁: 𝗕𝘂𝗱𝗱𝗵𝗶𝘀𝗺, 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗔𝗿𝘁, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲Sameer Farooq, Robert Filliou, Tomoyo Ihaya (@tomoyoihaya), Haruko Okano (@okanoharuko), Tina Pearson (@pearstina), Chrysanne Stathacos (@chrysannestathacos108 ), Susan Stewart, Charwei Tsai (@charweitsai), Paul Walde (@paulwalde), and Lam WongCurated by Haema SivanesanSeptember 15 - December 13, 2023In the Present Moment: Buddhism, Contemporary Art, and Social Practice examines how artists in North America have drawn on Buddhism as a methodology of art practice. It considers how Buddhism has contributed to important developments in contemporary art including the dematerialization of the art object, a phenomenon that radicalized art production and was key to the development of conceptual art and participatory art practices. The exhibition demonstrates the cultural impact of Asia on North America and reflects on an ongoing history of cross-cultural encounter and exchange.Artist books, multiples and scores by George Brecht, Robert Filliou, Dick Higgins and Takako Saito; John Cage; Dick Higgins, George Brecht; Robert Filliou; Pauline Oliveros; Yoko Ono; and La Monte Young (ed).

16 September 2023

The stars and trees witnessed - Gwanju and Yun Dongju

                                                                                                     copyright Tomoyo Ihaya 2023

I came to know Gwangju, its history and the poet, Yun Dongju when I had a solo exhibition in Gwangju in 2018. This was an incident that came to real because of Mr. Jin Yongju,  a Korean writer and researcher on art and peace, found drawings on this blog. He followed and came to see my solo exhibition in Tokyo and arranged a solo exhibition in Korea in the same year. 

When I was in Gwangju,  a group of people helped together to install the exhibition called 'Empathy - Ninjye' showcasing my works on the theme of meaning of living and dying and empathetic compassion. Before I left there, they took me to an 'old' cemetery, where activists and victims of the democratic uprising in 1980. were buried. It knocked me down and I was in tears without word.  Since then, every year when May comes,  I think of Gwangju and draw drawings as my offering to them. 

At the opening of the exhibition, after hearing my schooling in Tokyo,  a woman came up to me and asked "Do you know Yun Dongju? ".
I said 'No, I do not".  She replied, "You went the same university as he did, how come you do not know about him?".  She was not upset but surprised.  My friend explained to me he was one of the most beloved poet in Korea. He lived during the war time, when Korean Peninsula was colonized by the Japanese military government and came to Japan to study at Rikkyo and Doshisha University. Because he was writing poems in Korean, which was prohibited at that time, he was arrested and imprisoned in Fukuoka. 
He died in that prison along with his cousin after being injected unknown chemical. 

When I returned Japan, I bought his poetry book ' The Sky, Wind, Stars and Poems' ( both in Japanese and Korean) and read it though.  I felt ashamed that I did not know about this poet while majoring in the literature. Since then I read his poems, learned more about the history of Korea (succession of hardship), and carry his book whenever I set for another travel.  Just as he lives in all Korean people's hearts, he lives in my heart too. 

Gwangju and Yun Dongju.  Whenever I draw something for Gwangju, Trees and Yun Dongju's stars appear. 

                                                                copy right tomoyo ihaya 2023  ( Gwangju Uprising)  (Yun Dongju)


14 August 2023

終わりでない終戦 The War was not over

                                To the Light                                       copyright tomoyo ihaya 2023





石垣りん 『表札など』より


The end of the war
from the top of a cliff on Saipan Island
Women who threw themselves one after another.

Virtue, duty, and appearance 
Chased by fire or men

They jumped in because they were forced to.
To a place where there is no place 
(Cliffs always turn women upside down)

You know what
Not a single woman had reached the sea yet.
It's been 15 years
What happened with them?



Poet: Ishigaki Lin 

From "Nameplate, etc."


'To the Light - for women'  @Hsinchu Art Village,  2022  ( a part)  

"To the Light - for Women" close up                           copyright  tomoyo ihaya 2023