Ninjye - this Tibetan word means 'compassion' or 'feel compassion'. If you are with Tibetan people, you will hear this word quite often. When there is a story of somebody's misfortune or somebody doing a compassionate work, listeners will say '
Ninjye', often with 'e' stretched( Ninjyeeee).
The other day I saw a Japanese translation for it in different version. Instead of translating it 'compassion' (慈悲), one Japansese scholar translated it literally 'sharing suffering'(共苦).
This Japanese in Chinese character struck my heart.
ninjye - 共苦 - empathy - resonance - compassion - Sharing suffering of others like ours with compassion.
Such a beautiful translation that one image emerged.
note: The scholar's name is: Dr. Yasuhide Tujimura ' Philosophy of Ninjye and Dala Lama'
チベット語のニンジェーの日本語訳 ’共苦’から浮かんできたイメージ(辻村優英さん訳)に 。 人の痛みを自分の痛みのように 慈悲を持って感じるのが 共苦
2016年3月23日刊行予定 本体定価2800円四六判・上製266頁
ISBN978-4-906791-55-2 C0015