The occasion came up and quickly organised by a passionate and well respected independent art writer/editor, Jin Yongju. He and his friends came to see both exhibitions at Wakayama Art Museum ( Tokyo) and Volvox Gallery ( in Tsu city, Mie) in this past March and April. Both visits were such special occasions and after some meaningful conversations, did he offer and organise the exhibition.
This exhibition will be a combination of works from both Wakayama Art Museum and Volvox Gallery. I will try to merge them into a new form of visual poems/thoughts - water, eyes, blue, small land(life)scapes - probably I will add a few drawings that I did while I was in Ladakh in this past May this time. By the way, according to Mr. Jin, the between the title and my name, it says 'to know Tibet" in Hangul.
My deep gratitude goes to Mr. Jin Yongju, his friends, and AHHA Gallery.
最近のテーマである 亡命、難民クライシス、生きるということを中心に新しく日本での個展の為に今年制作したものに、’ダラムサラからの絵’のシリーズからも何点かくわえたものです。
この機会は 韓国の経験の深いアート•ライター兼エディ
今回の個展は 若山美術館とヴォルボックスギャラリーで
ハングルがわかる方、どうぞ案内 をご高覧下さい。